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Visitors 314
Modified 13-Aug-24
Created 2-Feb-10
72 photos

_MG_9995.jpgGreen Door0663 Sault Les Bassacs .jpgLes Bassac StairsGordes StairsLes Bassac StairsPost Boxes 1850.jpgRousillon Arch1614 Rousillon .jpg1470 Rousillon .jpg2 wins 8x8_3891.jpg1367 Rousillon .jpg1486 Rousillon .jpg1582 Rousillon .jpg3038 Vien .jpg1426 RousillonGoult 3167.jpgIMG_1578.jpgLa Poste 3833.jpgLesBassacs 1774 sm.jpg

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Buildings, France, Landscape, Provence

Guestbook for Stairs, Windows & Doors
Connie Poskin(non-registered)
I love your photo's of Provence, I have not been there, but my son has. He wants to live there some day, he has traveled there a lot with his old band. His boss now is Johnny Deep so he wants to go more than ever, his wife likes the USA, so he stays in California. He also takes photo's of doors and windows and I have collected a few watercolors by an artist named Pomm. So I especially appreciate your work, your a wonderfull photographer, congradulations on your web site its great, haven't checked it all out, but I will.
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